Friday Feb 7, 2025
» Strategic Departments » Tunnel Department

Tunnel Department

Zistab Consulting Engineers Co. is also active in the field of design and supervision of tunnel construction. Currently, the company is focusing a major part of its activities in tunnel section on design and supervision of long tunnel of water transfer and urban utility tunnels. The company is proud to serve as a contractor for Kerman Pipeline Long Tunnel Project with a length of 38 km as the longest water transfer tunnel in Iran and the water transfer tunnel from Glord Dam with a length of 5.7 km. The company is active in the field of control design, superior and workshop supervision of the long tunnel for transfer of excess Glass River water to Lake Urmia as the largest volumetric flow tunnel with a length of 35.6 km and a flow rate of about 52 cubic meters per second. It can be said that with these projects, Zistab Consulting Engineers is currently known as a pioneer in the industry of long water transfer tunnels in Iran.
The company is considered among the few companies with a strong background in the field of urban utility tunnels with a history of completion of the master project for urban utility tunnel in Tehran and the network of urban utility tunnels in Khavaran city of Tabriz. Of the ongoing studies in the field of urban utility tunnels are Shiraz utility tunnel network, Besat-Rajaji urban utility tunnel and Morvaridshahr urban utility tunnel.
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